There’s no such thing as a bad star sign
5 minute read time. “Astrology can be helpful in many ways, but please, don’t write off an entire zodiac sign because of a single person.” First published by Ensemble magazine
5 minute read time. “Astrology can be helpful in many ways, but please, don’t write off an entire zodiac sign because of a single person.” First published by Ensemble magazine
6 minute read time. Rose Tapsell is one of the key people who led me deeper into astrology. We’ve always discussed bigger picture things, and explored tarot, numerology and astrology together. It was through our discussions that I developed the confidence to explore and learn more.
5 minute read time. ‘The rest of the year is broadly a bit more of a mixed bag, and gets tough towards the end, but still includes some shimmering moments. ‘ First published on Ensemble magazine
6 minute read time. Jupiter changes signs roughly every 12 months. It’s a sort of fairy-god-parent / Santa figure of the planets, and signifies abundance, expansion, wisdom, luck and opportunity.
13 minute read time. When I was living in Glasgow in my mid twenties, my roommate mysteriously alluded to something called a ‘Saturn return’ and it was a few years after that that I stumbled upon Chani Nicholas’s work and got hooked.